Monday, March 28, 2016

Genius of Money Part III: Interview with Paul Mackay

An Economist's Guide to Making our Economy Great Again 

An Interview with Paul Mackay 

This article contradicted everything I previously thought about economists. When I picture the traditional economist, I think of someone that has vast knowledge about the business world and whose sole goal is to make money. Paul Mackay is not this kind of economist; he believes that economics is not about competition but fulfilling human needs in a sustainable way. Competition does not lead itself to sustainable results. Only cooperation can improve our economy in the long run. Paul questions whether society has really changed its behavior along with this cooperative mentality after the “Green Revolution” that has taken place over the past few decades. I have to agree that its hard for people to make difficult and necessary changes when they see themselves a just a small piece of a huge problem.

Paul Mackay then begins to elaborate on this lack of accountability and connect it to a lack of financial accountability in this modern economy. He says that virtual value is a new and destructive feature of our monetary system because we lose sight of the real value behind money. He goes on to argue that we need to be more conscious of our investing behavior, sticking to more realistic growth in the markets, and gaining a better understanding of the value of the dollar. I agree with a lot of Paul Mackay’s points. There is a lot more ethical banking being practiced today, with a strong push for accountability and responsibility behind every financial transaction. However, this is something we need to continue to work on as a society to maintain a stable economy and prevent catastrophes such the 2008 housing crash. 

Courtesy of

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